Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Stench and construction zone

ok, I haven't been here for a while, and I haven't smelled anything at the station for ages, maybe the wind direction had changed and took it away from where I usually traveled. Then late last week it was blowing across Forrester into the industrial area. Beware driving with your windows down - in the warm weather it's a total trap!

In the meantime, I hope you're not one of the commuters who usually uses the car park. Unless you're very early you'll need to park the car away and walk. The full report is here: http://www.tidc.nsw.gov.au/Our-Projects/Current-Projects/Commuter-Car-Park-Program/St-Marys/Determination-Report/default.aspx and it gives a huge amount of detail including plans and 'artist's impression' images and somewhere in those is a map showing where all the untimed parking in the area is. There are four parts and they're all important.

Today pic:

I'll try to document the changes.

Interesting thing about the report, they mentioned in there somewhere that communicating with the commuters about the location of the untimed parking would be a good idea..........

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